The Forgotten Americans’ Vision for a Better Future
The Biggest Challenges We Face
As our community has grown, we’ve had countless conversations about the pressing issues facing America today. On this page, we’ve compiled a list of the most critical problems that, in our collective opinion, need to be addressed to put the United States back on a path towards prosperity and opportunity. Below, you’ll find a list of the most pressing issues that we, as a community, believe need to be tackled. We’re not just talking about problems – we’re talking about solutions. We’re looking for ways to create a brighter future for all Americans, where everyone has the chance to pursue their dreams and achieve their full potential.
Government Reform
- Implement term limits for elected officials to prevent career politicians and encourage turnover in government
- Restrict or eliminate lobbyists to reduce the influence of special interests on policy-making
- Limit the role of Political Action Committees (PACs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in political campaigns and lobbying efforts
Fiscal Responsibility
- Implement stricter budget controls and oversight to curb wasteful spending
- Stop funding other countries until we have fully funded our own nation
- Ensure taxpayer dollars are used efficiently
National Security
- Enhance border security measures
- Potentially reform immigration policies for better control and management
Transparency and Accountability
- Simplify legislation to make laws more transparent and understandable for the public
- Implement regulation to ensure ample time for public feedback on proposed laws
- Enforce stricter regulations on campaign contributions and expenditures to reduce the influence of money in elections
- Require all candidates to publish detailed reports on campaign funding and expenditures
Tax Reform
- Simplify the tax code and potentially restructure tax brackets for fairness and economic efficiency
- End subsidies for profitable corporations to redirect resources and ensure fairness in government support
Education Reform
- Implement vouchers or school choice programs to enhance educational options for families
- Emphasize core subjects and essential skills in the curriculum to ensure a strong educational foundation
- Restrict or eliminate educational programs that promote specific political agendas
- Ensure educational settings focus on academics and refrain from promoting personal lifestyle choices
- Bring back the teaching of foundational documents like the Pledge of Allegiance, the Declaration of Independence, and the US Constitution
- Prioritize educational outcomes over administrative or political agendas in government funding
Family and Parental Rights
- Ensure equal rights for both parents in every aspect of parenting including medical, educational, religious, and abortions.
- Establish legislation that assures the rights of a parent to actually parent their own children, limiting government interference
- Give designated family members of deceased parents the parental rights of the deceased parent
Political Accountability
- Require elected officials to make regular reports to constituents, including financial reports on spending
- Require elected officials to hold regular constituent meetings
- Require elected officials to reside inside the geographical area of their constituents
- Set salaries for elected officials by the people of their constituency and require approval for any changes
Let’s Work Together
The Forgotten Americans community is committed to creating a better future for all Americans. We believe that by working together, sharing our ideas and expertise, and supporting each other, we can overcome even the toughest challenges. Join us in this effort, and let’s work together to build a brighter future for ourselves, our families, and our communities.
Join the Conversation
We invite you to join the discussion and share your thoughts on these critical issues. We’re always open to hearing new perspectives and ideas, and we believe that together, we can find innovative solutions to the challenges we face. If you have a potential solution to one of these problems, we want to hear it. If you think we’re missing something, please let us know.